Ultimate Tips for Surviving a Road Trip with Toddlers
Road trips with toddlers can be a bit of an adventure. So you might be wondering how to survive road trips with toddlers and still make it out alive. Don’t worry, and I’m here to help! In this blog post, you’ll learn some tips for surviving road trips with toddlers that will make your next road trip a lot less stressful (and maybe even fun!). Bear in mind that it could be one of your favorite types of family vacation.
Can you take a road trip with a toddler?
Yes, family road trips with toddlers are possible. However, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind to make the journey as smooth as possible. Here are our amazing tips for road tripping with toddlers:
Tip #0: Prepare for the Worst
Road trips with toddlers can be unpredictable, so it’s important to always prepare for the worst. You should also pack a first-aid kit, sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses. And don’t forget a map or GPS, just in case you get lost.
Tip #1: Make sure your car is toddler-friendly
Before you even leave on your road trip, you need to make sure your car is toddler-friendly. This means removing all breakables or potentially dangerous items from the vehicle when toddlers are around. You also want to ensure that your car has enough space for everyone in it and maybe even a few supplies in case of emergency.
Tip #2: Bring snacks and drinks
It’s always important to pack snacks and drinks for a long car ride, but it’s essential when you have toddlers along for the ride. So you’ll want to pack plenty of nutritious snacks that will keep them going strong throughout the trip. And don’t forget about drinks – make sure to bring plenty of water and juice boxes as well. And don’t forget about the water!
Tip #3: Pack a variety of entertainment items
Along with snacks and drinks, you’ll want to pack plenty of entertainment items for road trips with toddlers. You can’t underestimate the importance of having entertaining things on hand when there’s nothing fun at your destination! Bring toys that don’t require electricity – such as books or puzzles – and bring some new toys to keep them excited as well.
Tip #4: Have a plan B for an upcoming trip
No matter how well you plan, things are bound to go wrong on road trips with toddlers. That’s why it’s essential always to have a Plan B in mind. This could mean having backup snacks and drinks, alternate entertainment items, or even an emergency route planned out in case of traffic jams or other problems. Again, the best option is to plan ahead.
Tip #5: Be prepared for meltdowns
Road trips with toddlers can be trying, and you’re likely to experience a few meltdowns along the way. This is normal, so don’t worry! Just be prepared to deal with them as best you can. Try to have some calm activities on hand to help diffuse the situation, and keep in mind that road trips with toddlers are a great learning experience.

Tip #6: Get a diaper bag that’s road trip ready
There are tons of diaper bags out there that can make road trips with toddlers a little bit easier (at least take some plastic bags and toilet paper rolls with you). When choosing one, you should look for something lightweight and easy to clean in case of spills or other accidents. You’ll also want to ensure it has plenty of space for all your essential items – diapers, food, drinks, etc.
Tip #7: Make frequent rest stops
One of the best tips for trips with toddlers is to make frequent rest stops, especially during long-distance trips. This will help keep them from getting too restless and give you a chance to stretch your legs and use the bathroom. It’s also an excellent opportunity to let them run around and get some fresh air.
How long can a toddler ride in a car?
Most young kids can handle riding in a car for around two hours at a time. However, it’s always important to take breaks along the way to stretch their legs. You don’t want your toddler getting too antsy or restless while they’re stuck in the car! If a road trip will be longer than that, it’s best to break it up into multiple trips.
Young kids don’t do well on road trips that are too long. Around five to six hours is the longest a toddler can handle being in a car without any stops along the way, which means parents must keep this time frame in mind when planning road trip itineraries.
Some parents choose to road trip with their toddlers during the toddler’s nap time. This can be a great way to avoid any meltdowns or fussing, but it’s essential to remember that not all toddlers will sleep during car rides. So if your child doesn’t usually take a nap during the day, road-tripping during this time might not be the best idea.

How long can a toddler travel in a car seat?
It’s essential to keep in mind that long road trips with toddlers are not the time for extended car seats. Most road safety guidelines recommend car trips with children under two years of age, without long car rides or long periods of sitting still.
Long-distance travel can be tough on a child confined to their car seat for an extended period. Try to avoid road trips that will be longer than five or six hours, and make sure to take plenty of breaks along the way so your child can get some exercise and fresh air.
How do I entertain my child on a road trip?
Parents can do a few different things to keep their toddlers entertained while on road trips. One of the easiest ways is to bring plenty of healthy snacks and drinks. Even if your toddler tends to get restless and antsy while riding in the car, road trips are an excellent time for them to practice their table manners. Feeding toddlers on road trips can help ensure they stay nice and quiet during long rides!
It’s also important for parents to bring along toys or activities to keep toddlers occupied. Tablets or players are a great option, as are coloring books and crayons. It helps to make kids quiet for a while. In the case of tablets don’t forget to control screen time. If you’re road-tripping during the summer, make sure to pack a few swimsuits and towels so that your toddler can have a little splash time in nearby creeks or rivers.
How do you deal with tantrums while on road trips?
If your road trip will be longer than a few hours, it’s almost inevitable that you’re going to run into some tantrum. Tantrums can happen for various reasons – kids might not feel well, they could get tired or bored and need a nap, or maybe they want something in particular like candy!
Parents should try their best to stay calm during road trip tantrums. Raising your voice or getting angry will only make the situation worse. If you can, try and take a break from the car so that your toddler can run around and get some energy out. That usually helps to calm them down.

How often should you stop on a road trip with a toddler?
It’s important to plan plenty of stops when road tripping with toddlers. This will give them a chance to get out and move around, and it will also help minimize the amount of time they spend in the car. Be sure to plan at least one stop every two hours, and make sure to pick stops near playgrounds or parks where toddlers can run around for a bit.
What should you do if your toddler gets carsick?
If road tripping with toddlers sounds like it could be difficult, road trips with kids who get carsick might sound downright impossible! The good news is that there are a few things parents can do to help minimize the chances of their child getting carsick.
The first step is to make sure your child stays well hydrated. Giving them plenty of water and other fluids will help keep their stomachs from getting too upset. It’s also essential to avoid giving them any food or drinks that might make them feel sick.
If road-tripping with a child who gets carsick, it can be helpful to pull over every so often and let them walk around for a bit. This will help keep their stomachs moving instead of being stuck in one place for too long! Parents should also try not to speed or make sharp turns while on road trips with carsick kids.
How do you have a fun road trip with kids?
While road trips can be fun for kids, they’re also incredibly stressful for parents. After all, toddlers are likely to get antsy or start throwing tantrums at some point during the drive! So if your road trip is looking like it will require a lot of patience and hard work on your part, here are a few tips that might help.
One of the best road trip tips for kids is to try and pick a road trip that’s going somewhere fun! Instead of driving across the state, why not drive to an amusement park or beach? This will give your child something fun to look forward to, making road trips much less stressful.
As a parent, road trips with toddlers are often an intimidating prospect! If you’re not sure how best to plan road trips with toddlers, make sure to check out this article and these road trip tips. With some preparation, road trips (even long car trips) with toddlers can be a fun and (relatively) stress-free experience for all involved!