The Pros and Cons of Carriers and Strollers During a Travel with Kids
There are many advantages and disadvantages to using a stroller or carrier when traveling with kids. One of the most important considerations is safety, as both can be dangerous if not used properly.
Strollers are more stable, but they also take up more space which may not always be convenient for all travelers. Carriers, on the other hand, offer convenience and mobility at the expense of stability.
With so many factors to consider, it’s best to know what you’re looking for before making your decision about what type of travel gear will work best for your needs!
Here are some of the pros and cons of carriers and strollers during travel with kids!
What is the age of your baby?
This will help you determine which type of carrier to buy. For example, suppose your child falls into a specific category that requires a car seat for safety reasons. In that case, you should shop around and find out what kind would work best with your situation or trip. On the other hand, if they are not traveling in the car at all, you might be able to get away with a stroller.
If they are still in diapers or going through that phase, it will also help determine what type of carrier and stroller would work best.
Some carriers can hold infants up to 30 pounds, while others can hold up to 50 or 60 pounds. If your child is in diapers and still needs a stroller, make sure that the one you get has enough room for their stuff!

What type of carrier?
There are several different types of carriers if your baby falls into specific categories: newborns only (a sling), infants who need head support (an ergonomic soft-structured carrier like Lillebaby), toddlers, older babies without parents’ arms getting tired from carrying them around all day long (front pack, ring slings)
There’s even a backpack option for bigger kids during longer hikes. So it depends on these factors when choosing which type will work best for your family!
What type of stroller?
If you want a standard, run-of-the-mill stroller for your infant or toddler to use when traveling around on foot in an airport, train station, etc., then there are plenty of options.
It would be best if it folds up easily and fits into the trunk without taking too much space away from groceries that may also need to fit in there.
Suppose your child is still young enough that they can sit upright with supervision most of the time (for example, at a restaurant). In that case, umbrella strollers might work well because they fold down even smaller than some travel carriers!
Is your baby more comfortable in a carrier or stroller while sleeping?
This is an important one to consider because most parents will agree that their baby sleeping in the stroller or carrier means more relaxed walking time for them.
If your child sleeps well in a particular type of carrier, then you might want to stick with it when traveling so they can sleep soundly even while on the go.
Does your baby need extra support?
Some carriers have hoods and/or straps built-in that help provide added support for heavier babies.
For toddlers who still may not sit upright by themselves, backpacks are available with special headrest attachments. It’s very convenient during dinner at a restaurant after several hours on the road without any naps.
These options can be especially helpful if traveling by plane. Usually, the airline attendants will give you extra handrails to help your child sit upright.
What is the definition of a trip?
Going on a family vacation with plenty of activities planned for children and infants, especially needing breaks from being in their strollers/carriers all day long, then having a lightweight umbrella is excellent!
Umbrella strollers may not have as many bells and whistles compared with their larger counterparts. Still, they sure do come in handier than standard stroller models for travel needs because they take up less space overall.
However, if this is a quick overnight visit somewhere that does not require much walking around (for example, visiting relatives), then an ergonomic carrier would work best because it has more support built-in for heavier babies than standard slings.
In addition, your kids can also use these carriers up until toddlerhood which means less equipment to lug around during the day. So it all depends on how much walking you plan to do during a trip!
What is the best option for your feeding?
If you have a younger infant or toddler that may need to eat while being carried, then having an ergonomic carrier with extra support for their head will be best.
This way, they can conveniently nurse away from the public eye without anyone knowing what’s going on!
Alternatively, if your older baby is okay sitting upright at restaurants but falls asleep quickly in carriers/strollers after several hours of walking around all day long, it would be better to stick with umbrella strollers because they do not offer much privacy when nursing out in the open.
Don’t forget about this before traveling anywhere.
No one wants their child falling asleep hungry only to end up crying due to exhaustion right next to other people to enjoy dinner too!

There are a few things to bear in mind when traveling by plane.
Make sure your carrier/stroller is FAA approved.
Some carriers are not allowed to be carried on. In contrast, others can only be carried on if they have specific dimensions or weights attached to them.
You also must consider that you will need one hand free at all times during the trip to hold onto your child’s leash securely – especially when going through security!
Some strollers are too large for the overhead bins. Then they may get checked underneath instead of being kept with parents at their seats, which would take up valuable legroom space during the flight.
For these reasons, it may be a good idea to invest in a carrier that can work for your infant and toddler when going on short trips.
This will save you from buying two separate pieces of equipment, with the bonus being more space is available during the trip because there are not as many things!
When traveling by car?
Strollers with car seat adapters can be used in cars after your baby is old enough for a regular convertible seat.
It just depends on how much you plan to walk around and if there will be long periods between exits during the trip.
Still, otherwise, carriers and strollers are both great options to utilize while taking trips with kids.
What about public transportation?
Wherever you travel, it’s essential to be aware of the equipment that is allowed on board.
For example, suppose there are no elevators or escalators available. In that case, a stroller may not be best for getting from one floor to another quickly and safely.
In this case, carriers would work better because they can easily fold up to take with you through narrow spaces!
Carriers also make sense when going places where there will likely be lots of stairs involved to get anywhere.
Carrying infants and toddlers while climbing them all takes additional effort beyond a standard carrier/stroller combo that already has built-in support for these types of activities.

What is the weather like in the region where you intend to go?
If it is cold during your trip, then carriers may not work as well because they aren’t insulated like many strollers are.
In this case, you would also need a warm coat for the baby and possibly booties or mittens!
On the other hand, if there happens to be rain in store for your journey outside of city limits, where will umbrellas suffice?
Then having an umbrella stroller that can keep both yourself and your child dry all day long makes sense, especially when sidewalks end up being slippery from wetness on them too.
What is your budget?
Carriers are usually less expensive than strollers, but you can find great deals on second-hand carriers online.
Umbrella strollers range in price depending on the brand and features they offer, so be sure to shop around before making your purchase!
If money is not an object, it’s best to go with whatever makes the most sense for your child because there isn’t a “best” option when traveling by plane, train, or automobile.
However, will one piece of equipment work better for certain types of trips over another kind of travel gear?
That decision should always come first since children deserve both parents’ complete attention while exploring new places away from home!
Baby Stroller PROs When Traveling
- Easy to move around in airports
- Easier to change and clean baby
- Less stress on your body and back, especially hips and knees
- No problems with overheating
- Option to carry more than just baby
- Complete, 100% hands-free baby transport
- Baby can sleep in a more comfortable position
- Blocks light and sound when the top is down
- Much better when you’re exhausted from traveling
Baby Stroller CONs When Traveling
- Some strollers need to be ‘checked’ on a plane
- It won’t fit in your suitcase when not being used
- Isn’t as comforting for tiny babies
Baby Carrier PROs When Traveling
- Lightweight
- Easy to put in your luggage
- Keeps baby right in front of you at all times
- It makes interaction easier, including feeding, cleaning their face, and playing
- It gives you a mostly hands-free experience
- Great for when in large crowds
- Very safe
Baby Carrier CONs When Traveling
- Babies can be relatively heavy
- Weight distribution can be uneven, especially with wraps
- As the baby grows, they can outgrow the carrier
- Difficult to remove if baby falls asleep
- Walking long distances in airports can be very tiresome
- Extra physical stress
- Not always 100% hands-free
- Larger carriers can get bulky and difficult to store away in luggage
- Baby always faces inwards (on some models)
- It can make baby hot and cranky, especially in hotter weather
- Can cause postural problems and back pain for Mom
Today’s modern parents have so many options when traveling by car or plane with the little ones that they might end up feeling overwhelmed before even leaving home.
However, this should not stop them from experiencing new adventures together since plenty of baby carriers, and strollers exist today, making bringing along children easier than ever! If one cannot decide what product would best suit their needs, it never hurts to ask friends or relatives.
If this will be a long-term investment for your family, go with what works best based on their needs.
If this will only be used while traveling and not as regularly otherwise (for example, every single time they get in the car), then getting an umbrella stroller that can work well enough until something more comfortable comes along eventually.
In addition, some carriers have been known to last from infancy straight up through toddlerhood without needing to be replaced since there are many different ways of wearing them depending on age/size/weight, so don’t feel too pressured buying one right away if money is tight.
Just remember that your kids’ happiness and safety should always come first.
Use what you feel is best for their needs and leave the rest up to chance because every family will have different traveling experiences!

P.S. Personal opinion
If you ask my personal opinion, I will go with the stroller.
I have used both products, but my preference is definitely for a small foldable stroller that can recline because it’s easier to use when traveling.
There aren’t many times where you’re going to be walking long distances in airports either!
I always go for a big travel stroller that has cup holders and can recline before getting an umbrella because they are much more comfortable to use!
However, it’s totally up to you what type of product will work best based on your personal preferences. Remember all of this information if ever faced with choosing between carriers or strollers during future travels with kids!
If this has assisted you in making your selection, I would be delighted. Take care of yourself and stay safe out there, parents 🙂